Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hannah's Haircut

I know Hannah is almost 2 1/2 but she just had her first haircut (ok, really it was a trim) a few weeks ago!
I'm ashamed to say I didn't get a "before" shot of the back.

This is Becca Self, Hannah's nursery leader. She cuts my hair, and now Hannah's too!

She was really excited when it was all done.

Here is the "after." It doesn't look much different....but it IS shorter (by a few inches) and not as crazy as before. We are happy :)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sittin' Pretty

Warning: Unlsess you want to hear Hannah whining, MUTE your computer before watching this video.

Did you mute?

Here is little Rachel showing off her sitting skills.