Friday, July 1, 2011

Cougar Zoo With Adam

Last week we went to the Cougar Zoo with Hannah's good friend, Adam. They had lots of fun playing together and Rachel got to tag along, too.

Rachel wanted to feed the gorilla.

This bird liked dancing with the kids.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

1st Day of Summer

To celebrate the first day of summer we had a picnic at the Lake Sammamish beach.

The girls loved getting to play with their daddy in the water.
Hooray for summer!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Tacoma Rainers Game

For Father's Day Dan took us to a baseball game to see the Tacoma Rainer's. It was a great way to celebrate Dan.
The girls really liked cheering for the team.

In between cheering they entertained themselves.

We were seated in the family section and no one seemed bothered by the girls. In fact, they weren't even the most rowdy children there, so I wasn't too worried.

During the 5th inning they let the children run on the field and follow the mascot. Dan and the girls loved it.

We had a great time. Thanks, Dan!