Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Rachel is 9 months!

plus a few weeks (but hey--who's counting?)

Rachel weighs 15 lbs. 11oz. (3rd%) and is 27 3/4" long (75th%)

She is a crawling machine. She pulls herself to stand. She creeps along the furniture. She wants to be a big girl and only eats "real" food. She STILL hasn't said "mama." She LOVES to play with Hannah. She has the cutest smile I've ever seen. I love her. Happy 9 month's Rachel. We love you!


Ron said...

What a beautiful girl. She gets cuter every day.

Cheryl said...

We love her too! I wish I could see her crawling all over- she'll probably be walking when I see her next. She is growing up so fast!