Sunday, November 25, 2007


The best thing about holidays is getting to spend time with family. We even got a little visit from Uncle Tim. We took Hannah miniature golfing. She had a great time discovering the golf course.

We also had a little visit from Aunt Lauren. Hannah loved getting to see Lauren, but I think she especially loved Lola's candy bag...

Hannah helped her daddy make the mashed potatoes. She liked feeling all the slimy skins.

Hannah enjoyed all the yummy tastes of Thanksgiving dinner. She sampled everything off of daddy's plate.

But more than the food, Hannah loved playing with Buster and Boo. Buster was very nice to Hannah and he let her pet him for a long time.

Hannah also loved playing games with everyone. She played patty-cake with Aunt Lauren

and played peek-a-boo under the tablecloth.

Hannah showed Gramps her cell-phone.

Hannah and Mommy had a little snuggle on the bed.

1 comment:

For now said...

I sure do love all of these pictures! You guys always seem to be doing the most fun things!