Sunday, February 22, 2009

Rubber Duckies!

These are just a few of Hannah's many rubber duckies. She loves to line them up along the tub and then help them jump into the tub.

Hannah went to the doctor for her 2 year check. She was SO brave! She got three shots and didn't cry! She let the doctor check her out and didn't cry. I was amazed. Then it was time to go and they said she had to get dressed--then the tears started flowing. Here she is with her band-aids.

In case anyone is wondering--she is 27 lbs (50th %) and 38 inches (90th %) and is very healthy.


The Dahle's said...

cute duckies lol! Connor is 38 inches too but is 32 lbs. Do people think Hannah is older because she is so tall? People always think Connor is 3 sometimes 4!

angie said...

how cute are all those ducks lined up in a row! i'm about ready to hurry out and start my own duck collection--seriously!