Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Easter 2019

We had another great Mason family hunting season. Easter is a wonderful time of year. We decorated eggs a few times. Naomi missed the first hunt as she was recovering from puking in the backseat coming home from Olympic National Park. Rachel and Hannah got so many eggs. Some kids showed up late and missed all the hunt, so Hannah and Rachel shared some of their eggs. 

On Easter weekend we went to a hunt in Sammamish with tons of kids. For the older kids hunt, the thousands of eggs were devoured in seconds. We then went to a hunt at a church across from the tunnel park. There were too many eggs, the kids baskets were overflowing and still eggs were left on the ground. The church's pastor shared the story of Easter and then they had hot dogs and bouncy houses.

Then we went to Gilman Village in Issaquah and went store to store collecting eggs. Sadly the night time flashlight hunt on Mercer Island was budget cut this year. 

On Easter morning we had early church, so we had to wait to do the home Easter egg hunt afterwards. We built some magic tracks and then went to Uncle Josh and Aunt Karissa's for Easter dinner. Yummy Easter Ham! Happy Easter!



Cheryl said...

How nice of the girls to share their eggs with the latecomers. And so nice of that church to offer so many fun things for all the kids.
You sure have four good looking kids in their Easter clothes. Thanks for so many fun photos of lots of Easter fun!

Ron said...

So many events in such a short time!