Sunday, May 12, 2019

Mid Winter Break in San Francisco '19

We escaped part of the once in a hundred years snowstorm in Seattle and went to Grandma and Grandpa's home in San Francisco for the kids mid winter break.  Ashley and I went to the Ferry Building in SF. Hannah, Rachel, Ashley and I went to the Exploratorium in SF while Grandpa, Grandma, Naomi, and Joseph went to Happy Hollow. We went to a Stanford Volleyball game. There's always lots of fun to play at Grandma and Grandpa's.

We went to Muir Woods National Park, home of the giant Redwood trees. We found the jackpot of ladybugs. Joseph spotted some trout in the creek. The kids earned their junior ranger badges. We drove over the Golden Gate Bridge. We went to Ghiradelli for some ice cream afterwards. Such an awesome day.

We met up with Cousin Emma and her boyfriend Jake and played at the Oakland Zoo. We love to see the elephants there. The little train was closed so the kids went on the airplane and roller coaster rides.


Ron said...

It was so fun to have you all in town!

Cheryl said...

Those are just the happiest memories! I love all those photos and I’m smiling while I’m looking at every one.